Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Goodbye to Blogger..

if u remember.. previously, i mentioned something i did what i've been longing to do.. yeah.. at last.. it's done up!!!

From now on.. please visit =D

Monday, November 26, 2007

this is a serious global issue..

i was still feeling fresh this morning.. but the minute i sit down in ofc, i felt like my eyelids weighed a few pounds~ so we started out this serious conversation below.

- ü k î - said:

there is a sleepy monster in the office...

trying to make everyone fall asleep

VT says (11:03 AM):


i think this is a global issue

next to global warming

- ü k î - says (11:03 AM):


VT says (11:03 AM):

is global sleepiness

- ü k î - says (11:03 AM):

that seriously requires some attention man.. hahaha

my fren says i may be lack of oxygen, i need some greenery..

VT says (11:05 AM):

so we should save the earth in order to save ourselves

- ü k î - says (11:05 AM):

haha.. so this is linked with global warming.. Lack of Oxygen~~

VT says (11:05 AM):

we should stop working

- ü k î - says (11:05 AM):



VT says (11:05 AM):

but government should keep on paying us

- ü k î - says (11:05 AM):


u are so rite


VT says (11:06 AM):

now i am awake

- ü k î - says (11:06 AM):

me too awake a lil' bit ler wor~!

VT says (11:06 AM):

i should strive to work on issues to save the earth from global warming

its illusion

you will somehow fall back asleep after lunch

its the ASS

Afternoon Sleepy Syndrome?

I googled, and so it's the Afternoon Siesta Syndrome.

Sunday, November 25, 2007


Saturday, November 24, 2007

photo updates..

another farewell..

Friday, November 23, 2007

i din noe..

until Norman sent me this link. Woah.. McDonald's have something like that on their menu ar? Hahaha... gonna find a chance to try see it man... Errr.. this is from the delivery menu wor.. wonder what they are going to serve the food in?

what is KPE underground radio?
been seeing huge advertisements on this everywhere~ but keep forgetting to find out what the hell it is..

From LTA Feedback Portal
The KPE safety education programme was delivered through traditional (eg distribution of safe tunnel driving habits through inserts in the newspapers) and non-traditional communication tools (eg KPE Underground Radio which played songs that had safety tips embedded). A primary concern in using this non-traditional method is to attract the publicýs attention long enough so they would realise that driving through a new long tunnel requires safe driving habits. Did you get the messages? How do you think people responded to this kind of safety education programme?

Some other links to read about..

- [hwz] KPE Underground Radio Promo..

- [official website]

Lust, Caution 色 | 戒 (2007)

i finally caught this movie today.. hmmm.. i can't imagine how short the movie would have been if was't labelled R21. anyway, whenever the movie name is mentioned, most of the people merely put their attention on the "balls". -__-" Aiya, actually do people really concentrate on the movie? it still has its plot leh.. Lee Ann do have what it takes lor, Tang Wei has done stunning first performance and Tony Leung as usual, great acting is needless to say, even made some daring moves wor.. and although Lee Hom completed his dialogue as if he was singing 在梅边, he still had some acting de lah.. if u compare it with his first flopped movie previously.. keke.. overall, i grade this is a worth-watching movie!

提外话:怎么没化妆的汤唯某些角度让我觉得面熟?哦~原来是有点像! Haha!

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

coming soon.. by end of nov '07!

shagged again.. another 8.30am - 8.30pm workday. i feel so tired.. but met up for Geylang supper after wrk~ with the 'Pole-man', 'Dumb', 'Deleted' and Hui (the earlier shld be Dumb and Dumber hor? Haha no nick for Hui yet leh..) Keke.. a 1 hr picking up, but 1/2 hr eating. Hahaha.. 'DragonBoy' absent again! =D

Hee.. juz did something that I've been saying I wana do for one or two years! Something new will be coming up soon.. Heh heh.. *filled with excitement!*
