Thursday, March 22, 2007

about me!

This test is good~! It will be better if u try it here first before you read mine !!!

i've collaged all 4 into an image here in case the "more" in the flash page dun work!

So.. in conclusion, this is me.
- taking life how it comes, and living in the moment.
- don't get fazed by life.. i just breeze through.
- only seen in the best, and the finest,
- love top quality, high-end glamour.
- adding a touch of sophistication to the proceedings.
- forever slipping off, getting away from the rat race,
- recharging those batteries.
- independent, and thoughtful -i know myself well.
- fall in love a thousand times a day.
- feelings snowball quickly,
- full of passion.

So far.. all hav somehow found this test quite accurate.
Ppl who hv played this:
Suki, Steven, VT, AZ, Engz, SP, SYL, HQ, WS, Yenz..
Juz a few picture selections, and results are out and rite~! This is amazing, isnt it? =D