Sunday, November 04, 2007

周杰伦 《我很忙》

i was hesitating to pre-order his album yesterday, but i bought the 星光帮's 《昨天今天明天》. Jay's pre-order gift is just a desk calendar leh.. Hmmm.. so far, for all his album collections, i can hardly wait for any 改版 even if there is any.. i shall wait for his release on 2nd Nov then.

if u cannot accept the very busy cowboy, i believe you will like this. Hee Ha!

director jay is proving to us, he can play guitar! coz i really felt there was something wrong with his guitar in the 《不能说的秘密》 MV. Keke.. i like them all anyway. =D

UPDATED (04-11-2007)

wow.. i like this even more~ haha...

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