Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Our Class Photo!

it has come to an end for the Operating Systems classes.. means exams are coming!! but come to think of it kinda sad coz 4 of us probably the noisiest four in class.. Tricia Roger Jessyln and Me~ we'll be in different class in the next sem ler.. nevertheless it'll be back to YQ Tricia and Me. Haha.. and bcoz ytd was the last class, Tricia decided to bring her new Sony Cybershot!!! Whahahaa.. after some serious revision and going thru of past year paper.. it's CLASS PHOTO time! Hohoho.. snap snap snap~ snap snap snap~~~ la la la la la la~~~ see some of the crazy shots~ continuous shots results in many funny funny animations...click in to see bah~~
and view the photos here


Anonymous said...

hehe. very nice collage. *steal*

suki said...

Hohoh... see u is XDB let u steal lah!!! others i charge $$!!! Wahahaha......

JeweL BoX said...

JeWeL BoX: ohhh.. i see my biao mei & tang Jie in same photo..keke..So Glad u two made GreaT frenz